Tuesday, September 6, 2011

NEW!! Evening Primrose Oil

We have a new product!

Evening Primrose Carrier Oil with over 10% gamma-linolenic acid C18:3n-6 (GLA). This fantastic carrier oil is high in GLA, Linoleic Acid and is a natural source for Vitamin E and Omega-6 Fatty Acids. 

These omega 6 essential fatty acids are perfect for healthy, young looking skin and well nourished hair.  They stimulate skin regeneration and hair growth, as well as helping to maintain the reproductive system and regulate metabolism. In addition to cosmetic benefits, Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) contains the compound phenylalanine - an amino acid that can help with confusion, memory problems, lack of energy and depression.

Many uses include blending Evening Primrose Oil with Kukui Nut oil, Bergamot oil & Lavender Oil for treatment of Eczema. See all of our Carrier Oils and Buy Essential Oils

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Save $10 at 100PureEssentialOils.com

This Week Only! 7/23/2011 - 7/30/2011

Get $5.oo instant discount and $5.00 Store credit when you spend $65.00 or more!

Shop Now and Save!

The store credit will be awarded at time of shipment and will be good on any future purchase - no strings attached!

Try one of the Top 10 Essential Oils

Friday, July 15, 2011

Hot Summer Day Pick Me Up -
Peppermint Oil!

OK - it's Mid-Summer and in most places it is pretty darn HOT. I don't know about you, but when it's hot and muggy I get tired and lazy! So in order to beat the heat and get a quick, cool pick me up, I reach for the Peppermint Oil. Peppermint essential oil is very refreshing, energizing and rejuvenating and a fantastic way to pick yourself up with a burst of energy.

Peppermint Oil is perfect for hot summer days because it is cooling to the touch, so why not add it to your arsenal? If you are hot and irritable, try adding a drop of peppermint oil to your fingertips and gently dab right behind the ears. You'll be amazed at how cool and invigorated your feel just seconds after you try this.

Peppermint oil can be just what you need at the officee when temperatures rise. It can alleviate headaches and increases concentration and memory, leaving you feeling refreshed and ready to go wherever the day takes you.

For everyday use as headache relief, a concentration aid, or a pick-me-up, take 1 ounce of carrier oil and add 30 drops of peppermint essential oil. Mix this blend and keep it in your purse or desk drawer so that you have it ready to go any time you need it!

Here are some quick stats on Peppermint Oil:

Cool to the Touch
Refreshing, Energizing, Rejuvenating aroma
Antiseptic (destroys microorganisms, bacteria and germs)
Analgesic (Reduces sensation of pain)
Antibiotic (prevents bacterial growth)
Anti-infectious (prevents infections)
Vermifuge (expels intestinal worms)
Expectorant (supports removal of mucus)
Decongestant (helps eliminate mucus and aids in breathing)


PEPPERMINT OIL BLENDS WELL WITH: Pink Grapefruit, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Tea Tree, Pine, Basil, Juniper and Cypress oils.

All Purpose Spray Recipe - to lighten and cool the atmosphere
4 Drops Lavender Oil
2 Drops Peppermint Oil
2 Drops Tea Tree Oil

Mix well with 1 cup DPG - after blended,  then add 1 cup water. Mix and add to spray bottle.

Or, try our Aromatic Blend of peppermint, Lavender and Tea Tree oil.


100% Pure Essential Oils & Aromatherapy Products Online
WEBSTORE: www.100PureEssentialOils.com
BLOG: http://100PureEssentialOils.BlogSpot.com

Friday, April 15, 2011

Cinnamon Oil to get rid of ants

We recently heard from one of our employees regarding cinnamon oil to get rid of ants and keep them away. Here is her story:

"I moved into a new home about 2 years ago and in the spring I found ants in my house - the dishwasher to be exact.  I couldn't understand how they were getting in or where they were coming from. I tried spraying around the house - with no luck. I purchased little ant traps and placed them around the dishwasher - and after about a month - they disappeared.

This year, about 2 weeks ago, I saw them again. I remembered reading about cinnamon, so I decided to try Cinnamon oil. I put 3 drops of cinnamon oil in the dishwasher. I check about 30 minutes later and they were gone. I have run the dishwasher several times since and no sign of any more ant! I am AMAZED - they are gone! The cinnamon oil got rid of the ants!

I highly suggest using this oil if anyone else has this type of problem. I was so impressed that I just had to share. - J.L."

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Antiseptic Essential Oils for Cleaning

Hi Folks! Spring is right around the corner (march 20th) and what better way to celebrate than with a spring cleaning event!

There are several essential oils that are suitable for cleaning and have antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Essential Oils with ANTISEPTIC properties include (MOST EFFECTIVE OILS):
Rosemary Oil, French, Rosemary Oil, Verbenone, Thyme Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Melissa Oil, Eucalyptus oil, Camphor Oil, White, Cardamom Oil, Cedarwood Oil, Clove Bud Oil, Cinnamon Leaf Oil, Citronella Oil, Clary Sage Oil, Lemon Eucalyptus Oil, Frankincense Oil, Rose Geranium Oil, Grapefruit Oil, Hyssop Oil, decumbens, Jasmine Absolute Oil, Juniper Oil, Lavender Oil, 40/42, Lavender Oil, Maillette, Lemon Oil, LemonGrass Oil, Orange Oil, Oil of Oregano, Patchouli Oil, Peppermint Oil, Wintergreen Oil, Rose Oil, Absolute, Pine Oil, Ylang Ylang Oil, 1

Some of the essential oils most commonly found in cleaning products are lemon, orange, geranium, tea tree, lavender, pine and juniper.

If you have never experimented with essential oils and cleaning it can be a wonderful, refreshing and scent-ilating chore!  The easiest way to incorporate aromatherapy into your cleaning products is to purchase an unscented dish detergent, vinegar and your favorite essential oils.

Here are a few sample recipes:

Antibacterial Foaming Hand Soap

8 oz Foamer Bottle
4 oz unscented dish detergent
4 oz water
1 ml essential oils (25 drops) try Lavender, Peppermint & Tea tree Blend
To create your own foaming hand soap, mix the dish detergent with the essential oils. Then add water and blend well. Add to a bottle with a foamer top and you have the most luxurious antibacterial soap! Add a few drops of carrier oil for extra softness!

Antiseptic and Antibacterial Spray Cleaner

8 oz spray bottle
1 tsp Dish Soap
7.9 oz water
10 drops Essential Oils (try Lemon, Rosemary & Eucalyptus Oils)

Blend Essential oils with the dish soap and blend well. Then add water and mix well. Spray onto counter tops, etc... and wipe with damp paper towel.

Be creative and have fun!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Loyal Customer Coupon Code

Are you a loyal customer? Ask us about our Loyal Customer Discount!

We value our customers, and if you are one who comes back time and time again to purchase your essential oils from us - we want to give you a special discount for your loyalty.

Send us an email, or put a note in you next order and we'll send you the coupon code.

Have a great day!

100% Pure Essential Oils Online

Friday, February 25, 2011

There is no such thing as Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils - the term is meaningless! How can this be??

Hi folks,

There is no governmental body in the United States that certifies essential oils in a specific grade. So companies that use the term "Therapeutic Grade", or "Medicinal Grade" Oils are simply misinformed or are simply looking to make money by using these popular terms.

Important factors in selecting essential oils is within the species of plant, and location - as well as growing conditions (rain, sunshine, etc..)
We get many question from customers on our Quality.

If someone is selling you a specific grade of essential oil, they are not buying them that way - it is simply a way of marketing essential oils that many sellers have adopted because it has become profitable to advertise them in this manner.

Tell us what you think about this! Follow this discussion on our FACEBOOK PAGE

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Top 10 Essential Oils - On Sale!

Our Top 10 Essential Oil are on SALE!

These deals are subject to change at any time without notice. Please be sure to check our Essential Oil Sale Page for all current promotions.

CURRENT SALE: Top Ten Essential Oils!

The top ten essential oils are those which present the most overall physical and emotional benefit, and are most popular. According to the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy, the top ten essential oils are as follows: > Roman Chamomile oil, Clary Sage oil, Eucalyptus oil, Lavender, Lemon oil, Orange oil, Peppermint oil, Rosemary oil & Tea Tree Oil.

Lemon Oil 4 oz
Lemon Oil 4 oz oz
$9.00 $7.86

Peppermint Oil 4 oz
$16.24 $14.58
Add To Cart   

Tea Tree Oil 8 oz, Bulk
$31.47 $27.93
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Lavender Oil, Maillete 1 oz
$10.26 $8.77
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Clary Sage Oil 1 oz
$16.49 $14.48
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Roman Chamomile Oil 1/2 oz
$32.60 $24.99
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Eucalytpus Oil 16 oz, Wholesale
$28.59 $26.74
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Orange Oil 16 oz, Wholesale
$14.75 $11.44
Add To Cart

Lemongrass Oil 8 oz, Bulk
$14.86 $11.14
Add To Cart

French Rosemary Oil 4 oz
$17.85 $15.22
Add To Cart

Visit 100PureEssentialOils.com for  ESSENTIAL OIL SALES at the following link:

Buy Essential Oils: http://100PureEssentialOils.com
BLOG: http://100PureEssentialOils.BlogSpot.com
Or Contact us by email Monday - Friday 9 AM - 4 PM EST